Art & Design for Arrive Hotel

For the past 5+ years, we have been working closely with the Arrive team to develop a visual identity for their East Austin location. During an initial brand process, we developed a mood-board that inspired ELD founder, Sarah Presson, to develop a full series of collage pieces. 

The collages in this collection are inspired by Texas’s unique physical landscapes (its piney curtains, arid deserts, and endless skies), and the psychic landscapes they engender (open, reflective spaces for cosmic contemplation). An added dash of Tex-Mex flavor and retro Americana elements borrow from a color palette dually inspired by Austin’s seasonal wildflower explosion and those year-round visitors, our bright green monk parakeets!

The team selected 3 pieces for each room and commissioned the ELD team to develop a design for the room dinettes, room keys and a ‘How to East Austin’ guidebook.

The Arrive team chose an arrowhead collage to be printed on the formica tables. With a skull centered in the design, the arrows surrounding were hand cut from various magazines and land satellite images.

The room keys carried by guests are mini art pieces with a text number for the hotel concierge service on the back side. 

Our field guide is informational yet stylish with several custom illustrations and snippets of collage art. It provides hotel guests a pocket reference for exploring Austin’s East side with options for  food, drink, and entertainment within walking distance and slightly beyond.

Check out these articles to learn more:

Curbed  | Culturemap  | Timeout | Austin Business Journal